Scenario: You’re a business owner/entrepreneur and you’re ready to take your business or idea to the next level. You’re ready to build a website! You’re PUMPED to get started and you have 1,985 great ideas for your website. You know EXACTLY what you want it to look like, you envision beautiful slideshows and photo galleries & premium functionality. You have -$500 to spend but, it’s 2014! There are TONS of free (or close to free) website building applications out there. This is going to be so FUN and it’s going to be PERFECT! You get online & start Googling your options… End Scenario
Anyone who has ever gone through the above scenario knows that 99%of the time, it doesn’t end well. It is NOT, in fact, going to be fun. It is NOT going to be perfect & you’re research will likely take the wind out of your sails. In the world of webdesign, “Free” is never “Free”. In fact “Free” usually costs more money, time & energy in the long run. Most newbies get completely deflated when they realize that all of their webdesign dreams aren’t going to come true without forking out a large chunk of change. If you find yourself singing Bonnie Tyler’s “I Need a Hero” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f_HsjpSVaI)…I’m here to tell you that there IS a knight in revealing, scantily-clad armor. I call him, WordPress!
Top 10 reasons to utilize WordPress for all of your webdesign woes:
- Thousands of Theme Options. There are virtually THOUSANDS of pre-designed, pre-programmed website templates available for $1 – $80. There are SO many options available that most people can choose one that is just as great, if not BETTER than their original “dream website”.
- Top-notch Functionality Options. WordPress has ‘plugins’ available that allow you to add pristine functionality to your website without having to know an ounce of code. Think slideshows, contact forms, Facebook/Twitter feeds, Google Analytic, photo galleries, eCommerce and much more!
- Uber-easy maintenance. If you can update a Microsoft Word document, you can update just about any WordPress page. In short: You won’t have to hire someone to change page content and images on your website. You simply login to WordPress admin panel & make the change yourself. Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!
- WordPress Community Support. WordPress website take up 8% of all live websites. That means that out of ALL the options for designing a website, 8% of people choose WordPress. Why is this important to you? Community. When you decide to go with a WordPress website, you are joining a community of business people, designers and problem-solvers who are eager to give pointers & provide feedback on theme templates, plugins and more. The WordPress site has it’s own support forum, but generally you can simply Google your problem and you’ll come with hundreds of solutions!
- Google Openly Recommends WordPress! Google is a huge advocate for WordPress, because Google loves dynamic websites. WordPress sites are dynamic and they are routinely being updated. This is helpful for YOU as a user because the more Google knows, the likelier you are to be found on a Google search.