The Sunset Restaurant

Vivid Candi custom branded, coded & developed https://thesunsetrestaurant.com/ for our client, The Sunset Restaurant in Malibu. Website features & functionality: Custom branded design. Wordpress content management system (CMS). Responsive HTML for a seamless experience on Mobile/Tablet devices. Modern swipe menu navigation. Touch sensitive mobile friendly jquery image sliders.
Responsive Web Design

It may seem surprising, but today more web traffic comes from mobile devices than desktops or laptops; To be precise, 70-80% of website traffic is mobile on average across industries. With a variety of devices available, from tablets to phones and everything in-between, it is very important that your website is able to work on […]
Hosa Technology

Vivid Candi custom branded, coded & developed www.hosatech.com for top cable manufacturing company. Website features & functionality: Wordpress content management system (CMS). Responsive HTML for a seamless experience on Mobile/Tablet devices. Custom branded design. Touch sensitive mobile friendly jquery image sliders. Custom built cable finder plugin
The Law Offices of Teresa Beyers
Mike Aubrey, Realtor

Vivid Candi custom branded, coded & developed www.mikeaubrey.com for a high end Realtor on the east coast. Website features & functionality: Wordpress content management system (CMS). Real Estate Listing Management Responsive HTML for a seamless experience on Mobile/Tablet devices. Custom branded design. Touch sensitive mobile friendly jquery image sliders.
Quantum Theory
K1 Packaging

Vivid Candi custom branded, coded & developed www.k1packaging.com for a high end packaging company. Website features & functionality: Wordpress content management system (CMS). Responsive HTML for a seamless experience on Mobile/Tablet devices. Custom branded design. Touch sensitive mobile friendly jquery image sliders.